Winter Solstice

In ancient times people believed that it was the deer mother that took flight on the darkest longest night of the year. She was said to carry the life-giving light of the sun back to the land, in her antlers, and into the new year.

Throughout time many cultures celebrate this transitional time - as the darkness increases to its fullest measure - it has also been said that the moon (feminine energy) gives birth to the sun. It is a time for reflection - for letting go of all that no longer serves us - with GENTLENESS (remember that feminine moon energy). Traditionally, Winter Solstice is celebrated with fire rituals. If you’re one of those lucky souls with a fireplace - spark up - if not - try lighting candles or using salt lamps to gently light your home (all night long if you’re hard core). Winter is the season of life that we must face our inner darkness, in order to make way for the rebirth of the sun.

Winter Solstice is a great opportunity to tap into the universal power of nature to help us move into the upcoming year/season with a clean slate and open heart. Wanna step up your Winter Solstice observation this year and utilize its potent cleansing energy for yourself - try any of these rituals.

Clean and tidy your space - dusting and sweeping are great ways to freshen your space and rid it of any unwanted energies. Amp up this cleaning with a smudge - walk through your space with sage, evergreen (leftover Christmas tree branches), Palo Santo or incense - visualize the smoke filling your space with love and light while you walk through - give special attention to any areas that seem congested or dark. Light a candle and spend some time reflecting on this past year - acknowledge and be grateful for all that you accomplished - give yourself LOVE.

Think about anything that needs to be released - ideas, situations, even relationships that no longer serve you - remember to be gentle during this process. Write anything that comes up on a piece of paper - then carefully burn the paper. Try to focus on the light as it consumes your troubles. This ritual can help to release those things that need a little extra push to get OUT of our energetic space. Take a candlelit salt bath - you can include cleansing herbs or essential oils (like sage or lavender) for extra oomph. Before you enter the water visualize any worries or cares you are still holding from the past year - enter the water and visualize each of those things being dissolved and washed clean by the water.

Once you are finished with your bath spend some time focusing your intentions on what you want to manifest for the upcoming year. Write down your thoughts. Try to frame your thoughts in the context of what you want to attract for the upcoming year. This year, the Winter Solstice commences at 10:19 pm on December 21st. May we release ALL that no longer serves us and enter into this winter season with a renewed focus on creating our best year yet! If you’re looking to integrate more self-love and healing practices into your life - don’t forget to register for our upcoming workshop series - Balance Your Chakras | Balance Your Life - starting in January. AND if you like FREE stuff don’t forget to enter our FREE session giveaway ending at midnight on the Winter Solstice! See the event page for ALL the details

Brooke Bateman