
The pursuit of a beautiful life

and happy existence begins with a mind, body, spirit connection. I don't just say that to sell it - but because it shows up as a reminder time and time again.

These reminders can start as gray periods but can turn into epiphanies - if we choose to pay attention. I think each of us has experienced this at various times throughout our lives. Having just experienced such a period, I wanted to share how I got back to myself.

I stopped showing up

out of fear ... of what people would think, fear that what I was sharing wasn't relevant or clear, fear of being seen, the list goes on. As an energy healer (or person who holds space for people to heal while my body acts as a conduit for energy), one might think that I should always be calm, all-knowing, peaceful, etc (or maybe those are the titles I associate with energy healers and therefore place upon myself) but the fact is I'm human.

What titles or expectations do you place upon yourself and how do those prevent you from fully showing up?

The way that I have chosen to respond to my experiences lately have left me feeling cynical, pessimistic, gossipy, fearful, and generally in a very insecure frame of mind.
There is love - and then there's everything else. I was choosing to act the opposite of love toward myself and those closest to me.

While I was making leaps and bounds in some areas of my personal development, another part of me felt like a stinky troll under a bridge just ruminating in green bile.

When we choose to stop showing up for ourselves we deny ourselves joy and happiness. We don't take time to celebrate our successes (no matter the size). We stuff emotions down, numb out, and shut ourselves down to any vulnerability we may have.

The good part

is that being in the healing arts, I have learned incredible tools to help find comfort and answers, help and healing.

What I know for sure is that it all begins with our own energy, chakras, mental and emotional health. Acceptance - tolerance and understanding of ourselves first, then others. The work begins within.

I have several practices that help me get back to my "happy place".

Coming to work - though somedays in a brow-furrowed mood initially - always balances me. I'm thankful for the quiet time and the opportunity to be of service. Providing service to others is proven to shift your mindset - thank goodness it is my chosen line of work!

Being surrounded by a team of healing practitioners keeps me focused on positive outcomes.

Choosing to spend time with my tribe of women business owner friends who experience similar challenges in life, or business - keep me grounded and reassured.

Reminding myself that stagnant energy simply needs to be moved. This goes for all areas of life: feelings, furniture, and vibes.

I have chosen to rephrase "finding time" to "making time" for some of the self-care practices I tend to neglect when the gray days come: acupuncture, massage, reiki, and getting my hair done helps me reset (physically and energetically).

One of my favorite self-care practices is soaking in a bath so full of salt that it could likely float a boat. I read books, I refill the bath, I may do a mini facial, it's quiet and the water washes away any stress or negativity that has seeped into my energetic system.

Finding moments of peace and silence (in a world that screams so loud all day long) is imperative in our efforts to reconnect with ourselves.. In the silence, we can hear what our soul has been calling for us to do. It redirects us. In this space, my dreams wake back up, I have those "ah-ha" moments - epiphanies of remembering who I am and where my strength exists.

These epiphanies help remind me to set and work towards goals, and chose healthier behaviors...fueling my body and taking care of my skin help me return to my healthiest and happiest (and nicest) version of myself.

All of a sudden

I'm a better, more present and focused mom. I am a better wife and daughter. I'm a better friend and community member. I've found myself again.

Have you experienced this? I know I am not alone. I see your Facebook posts; I hear your words in my treatment room; I know that we as a collective experience similar topics that show up in different experiences.

So, I had this crazy thought

If you nodded along with any of this in that "ugh I have been there" way...then let's make a pact.

I promise to always offer you a space to practice whatever form of self-care you need that day. I promise to keep bringing my dream of a wellness center to the table. I promise to continue to grow myself personally, professionally, and as a team. I promise to expand this wellness center and make it a destination for healing and transformation and personal growth for ALL.

I promise to keep showing up even through my own personal storms.There are a few things I know for sure,but 9 times out of 10, Ive found that someone very near and dear to us is going through the same thing we are,but hasn't been able to express it. Maybe it's you?

IF we can see the light at the end of the tunnel.
IF we can believe there is a blessing in the lesson.
IF we can be optimistic enough to know, no matter how thick the storm, there is an invitation for peace and calm waiting on the other side....THEN we can
Be the beacon and light the way for others...


Brooke Bateman